What do I do if my transfer is not sticking to my shirt after pressing? Please check your time, temperature, and pressure. Increased pressure usually solves this problem if your time and temperature are correct. You may also let the transfer cool a few seconds before peeling of the transfer sheet.
I get some residue around my transfers after pressing them, what should I do? Typically this is due to the powder coating getting too hot and transferring on to the garment. This can be easily removed by a second press or simply wiping off. To prevent this, lower your temperature in 5 degree increments until this issue is resolved.
What if my colors do not match what my monitor shows? Your PC monitor will always be much more vibrant than your transfer print. For best results, we recommend using CMYK colors and saving your files in CMYK color mode for the best accuaracy as DTF printers cannot accurately replicate RGB colors.
What if my designs are blurry or have jagged edges? This is typically a result of low resolution artwork. Please make sure you use Vector art or Raster art that is at least 300dpi.